Do Hard Things
A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations
by Alex and Brett Harris
With over 10 million hits to their website TheRebelution.com, Alex and Brett Harris are leading the charge in a growing movement of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to “do hard things” for the glory of God.
Written when they were 18 years old, Do Hard Things is the Harris twins’ revolutionary message in its purest and most compelling form, giving readers a tangible glimpse of what is possible for teens who actively resist cultural lies that limit their potential. Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, the authors weave together biblical insights, history, and modern examples to redefine the teen years as the launching pad of life and map a clear trajectory for long-term fulfillment and eternal impact.
Written by teens for teens, Do Hard Things is packed with humorous personal anecdotes, practical examples, and stories of real-life rebelutionaries in action. This rallying cry from the heart of revolution already in progress challenges the next generation to lay claim to a brighter future, starting today.
Alex and Brett Harris founded TheRebelution.com in August 2005 and today at age 19 are the most popular Christian teen writers on the Web. The twins are frequent contributors to Focus on the Family’s Boundless webzine, serve as the main speakers for the Rebelution Tour conferences, and have been featured in WORLD magazine, Breakaway, The Old Schoolhouse, and the New York Daily News. Sons of homeschool pioneer Gregg Harris and younger brothers of best-selling author Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye), Alex and Brett live near Portland , Oregon .
Alex and Brett has offered a free copy to a lucky winner. Tell us something hard you did for God.
Do Hard Things: I moved myself and 7 children to another state for 10 months to take care of my dying father-in-law. my dh went back and forth working 2 weeks and then being with us 2 weeks. He didn't work for 18 weeks that year. on the other hand it was an easy thing to do, because we knew without a doubt that it was right. God poured out His grace and we were blessed.
I'd love to win this book :)
I saw these brothers on the Crystal Cathedral this past Sunday. I would love to win this book; I'd probably pass it on to our youth pastor for optimum use.
The hardest thing I did lately was spend time with a young man who is heavily influenced by some satanic music (no joke here) and other evil influences. I am handicapped somewhat and had been praying for some help. He offered, and I let him into my apartment. Neighbors were concerned and said I shouldn't trust him. The truth is, I was very nervous inside, but I knew God was telling me to embrace this young man, and I prayed continually while he was around. Even when he wasn't. As it turned out, he began to tell me more than I really wanted to know about himself, and I shared Jesus with him as the conversations would lead. He responded to me in the most amazing way, but he wasn't really responding to me--it was the Holy Spirit all the way. I let him use my computer and fed him and came to care about what happened to him, although I was really frightened of him at first. In a few days he even stopped listening to that demonic stuff he had been addicted to and was memorizing the songs on a Newsboys CD I gave him. It was hard because I could sense the evil influences that had surrounded him, and in the past I had steered clear of peole like him, not knowing how to deal with them. Yet here God made it crystal clear that he had sent this young man to me. One day he said he wanted to go to church with me! I wanted to shout. God was clearly at work. We talked plainly about salvation. I saw such a change in him, and I think he understood, but I don't know that he made any decision. The sad part is that just a couple of days after he went to church with me, an old friend of his came and took him to another city for a visit. He has been many places since then, never coming back here. But he will call me once in a while. I know without a doubt that I did and said what I was supposed to (I don't always feel this certain), and I guess Satan didn't like that. But I still pray for hi, and I know the seeds are planted. And he still has the Newboys.
Every 2 months I take a weekend to help out at a weekend retreat our church does called God Encounter Weekend. It means not seeing my family for the entire weekend but I know its the ministry that God has called me to for this time in my life - we've seen people saved, healed and delivered from all kinds of garbage. I miss my kids, but I love that God is willing to use me -
Please enter me...
ryanx6 at msn dot com
I'd love to win this book. Sounds like it is right in line with what I try to convey to kids through my books. And the note from Cathikin gives me the idea for a whole new novel. Thanks!!!
Donald James Parker
This sounds like a very timely book. I'd love to win it for my teenage son.
I left working with our Youth Group because I knew God wanted me to be more available to my boys in the evening and that all 4 of my kids needed me home more than at church Wed nights. It's still hard, but I know God's timing was perfect and that he knows my hearts desire!
In Christ,
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