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Saturday, October 27, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Miralee Ferrell
I'm over 50, married for 35 years this July, and have two wonderful children, Marnee and Steven. I'm active at our small church, serving on staff with my miisterial license and working with women in a counseling/ministering capacity. My husband and I are looking forward to full retirement soon and taking off for a few months at a time on our 51' sailboat, where my writing will take on an entirely new creativity. We have a horse, a dog and three cats that my daughter and her husband will inherit while we're gone. Thankfully, they live on the adjoining property and are animals lovers.
The Other Daughter—the story of David and Susanne Carson, a couple with an already fragile marriage that’s rocked to its foundation when a young teenaged girl appears at the door….

Here’s a brief summary:
The girl standing at the door took a deep breath, pulling her suitcase a little closer to her trembling legs. "My mama's dead. He's my daddy."
Susanne Carson knew that she could trust the love of her life—her husband, David—until she discovered a strange, unkempt young girl on their doorstep, claiming to be David's daughter.
Not that their marriage had ever been perfect—David's decision to embrace the Christian faith had strained their relationship. Susanne may not have agreed with his beliefs, but at least she trusted him. Had David been hiding this not-so-little secret from his past? He wanted Susanne to believe in his God, but believing hadn't done much to keep David out of another woman's arms.
As David confronts the truth of his past, Susanne must face her own moment of truth as her marriage is taken to the breaking point and the life of one young girl is left in her hands.
How long did it take from first word to sale? What were some of the steps along the journey?
It took me five weeks to write the first draft, then the next six months of revising, editing and polishing before it was presentable. This was such new territory for me. I’d written several non-fiction short stories that were published in magazines just prior to starting off in fiction, but I had no clue what I was doing when I began to write this novel. I’d never read a book on writing, had no teaching on structure, plot, POV, characterization, dialogue, or anything else. It wasn’t until three months before Kregel made their offer that I discovered ACFW and joined. My sister, who has done some professional editing, and a friend who is an editor and author, both helped tremendously, mentoring and supporting me through the first two drafts, or I wouldn’t have made it this far.
The Lord brought Tamela (my agent) into my life in a series of miraculous events that only He could have orchestrated, and seven months later I received the offer from Kregel. When the book is released, it will be two years since writing the first draft, and nine months since signing my contract. Kregel graciously put The Other Daughter on the fast track to publication, beating the usual 12-16 months for publication by quite a bit.
How did people help you along the journey?
There have been several people who influence and helped me this past two years. My husband has been unwavering in his support, even when he felt I was being unfairly treated, LOL---He didn’t like the initial rejections I was getting and couldn’t understand why publishers weren’t happy with it, after all the work I did. I’m so blessed that he believed in me and kept encouraging me.
I’ve mentioned my sister Jenny and my author friend Elizabeth earlier, but they were a tremendous help with initial editing and suggestions. They both taught me so much about POV and believability. Writing dialogue came very naturally to me, but I struggled at times with other aspects of plot structure, pacing and tension.
My pastor and small home group prayed and encouraged me, and my mom loved everything I wrote, of course…family and close friends are rarely a good source for reliable feedback, and I was so thrilled when I found ACFW a few months before my book came under contract, and joined a critique group a couple of months later. They brought another layer of accountability and learning to my writing that I hadn’t had before.
What do you wish you’d known early in your career that might have saved you some time and/or frustration in writing? In publishing?
This is a hard one, as I’m still very early in my writing career, having only started writing seriously just over two years ago. I’m growing and learning constantly, and in all honesty, I haven’t had a lot of frustrating times since beginning this journey. I’d have to say that the issue of timing probably stands out more than most other things. I was in too big of a hurry, at first, to send my ‘baby’ out into the world when it wasn’t ready. Had I taken the advice of an author/editor friend on some of the changes she gave me that would have strengthened my book, and not been so sure it was fine the way it was, I probably wouldn’t have had some of my early rejections. Of course, rejections are part of the growing process, and I learned valuable lessons there, too.
How much marketing do you do? What have you found that particularly works well for you?
I’m one of those rarities in the writing world who actually enjoys the marketing part of writing. A lot of authors I know prefer to hole up in their office and write and not mess with promotion and marketing…not me. I love it. In fact, I probably spend too much time on it, and not enough on writing. Currently, I have a blog, web site, ShoutLife profile and moderate a marriage group there, as my book deals with marriage issues, a My Space site, a 60 second book trailer on God Tube and My Tube, an email campaign, free book drawings, and try to stay active on a couple different writer’s groups. I also keep in touch with about 300 people who’ve signed my guest book on my web site, and offered to help with marketing. Those people have been amazing in passing along the word to their friends. I decided I didn’t want to put out the money to have someone else put a blog tour together, so jumped in and made that happen, too. I can tell you one thing, there’s not enough hours in a day for writing, marketing, husbands, houses, animals, friends, church and all the other things I’m supposed to be doing…but thankfully, I’ve not been kicked out of church, my family and husband haven’t disowned me, and my house isn’t falling down around my ears… yet, LOL!
Any advice for those of us who are still dreaming of that first sale?
I know what I wish I would’ve had, when I started out. Critique partners…they are invaluable. I didn’t belong to a group until well into the writing of the second book in my series. Through ACFW I was able to get connected and our small group of four is a perfect fit for each of us.
Don’t be too shy to ask for help and don’t be too proud to take constructive criticism of your work, when it’s offered. You don’t have to change everything that’s suggested, but if more than one person points out something wrong, take it seriously and be willing to learn. And most of all, don’t give up. If you believe that God has given you the gift or desire to write, then be obedient, even if it’s never published. When I started out, I thought the best I’d attain would be publication in magazines….having a book published didn’t seem possible. The Lord gave me this story and it needed to be written, and the rest was up to Him. My responsibility was to write it, then keep moving forward in whatever direction He pointed out.
Miralee is on world wide tour stop by the other sites on her tour.
Oct. 20th, Karen Phillips---Sky-High View
LaShaunda Hoffman—See Ya On The Net
21st Angie Arndt---The Road I'm Traveling
22nd Deena Peterson---Deena's Books
22nd Teresa Morgan---Teresa Morgan's Blog
23rd Rose McCauley---Stories of Faith, Hope and Love
23rd Pattie Reitz----Fresh Brewed Writer
24th Cecelia Dowdy---New Christian Fiction Reviews
Tiffany Amber Stockton--A Fiction-Filled Life
25th Bonnie Way---The Koala Bear Writer
Stormi Johnson---Write Thoughts
26th Robin Grant---Queen Of Perseverance
27th Delia Latham---The Melody Within
28th Jennie McGhan---Jen's Life Journey
29th Susan Lohrer ---Inspirational Editor
30th Carla Stewart---Carla’s Writing CafĂ©
31st Christina Berry--- Posting with Purpose
1st Bonnie Leon---Bonnie's Blog
2nd Jan Parrish---Bold and Free
3rd Tina Helmuth---The Ink's Not Dry
4th Teresa Slack---ShoutLife Blog
5th Pam Meyers---A Writer’s Journey
6th Betsy St. Amant---Betsy Ann's Blog
7th Megan DiMaria---A Prisoner of Hope
8th Christa Allan---CBAllan WordPress
9th Susan Marlow---Suzy Scribbles---Homeschool Blogger
10th Jamie Driggers---Surviving the Chaos
11th Cindy Bauer----Christian Fiction Author & Speaker
12th Angie Breidenbach---God Uses Broken Vessels
13th Patricia Carroll---Patricia PacJac Carroll
14th Toni V. Lee---Spreading Truth Through Fiction
15th Camille Eide---Faith Inspiring Fiction
16th Lisa Jordan---Musings
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Watercolored Pearls
By Stacy Hawkins Adams
ISBN-10: 0800731689
ISBN-13: 978-0800731687
Serena, Erika, Tawana: Three women at different places in life lurk at the same crossroads -looking to God and each other for answers on how to find beauty in themselves and in their journeys. A page-turning story of how God can use life's shameful and less-than-perfect circumstances to create something beautiful.
Blessed Assurance
by Lyn Cote
Avon Inspire
ISBN-10: 0061349941
In Whispers of Love, Civil War widow Jessie Wagstaff must fend for herself and her son. When a stranger, Lee Smith, befriends Jessie's son, even though she recognizes nine-year-old Linc's need for a father figure, she's reluctant to let a new man into their life. When the Great Chicago Fire blazes, every heart is pushed to its limits.
In Lost In His Love, Jessie's son Linc, a social activist and reporter, charms his way through the upper class of San Francisco to build much-needed support for his fight against child labor. His main target is Cecilia Jackson, a beautiful heiress who doesn't recognize the crucial part she plays in this dangerous exploitation. As the secrets of her family's dark past are exposed, Cecilia must revive her own wounded spirit and find the strength to lean on the never-failing love of Christ. But when the 1906 earthquake hits, everyone's faith will be put to the test.
In Echoes of Mercy, Meg Wagstaff challenges the racial barriers of 1920s New Orleans in order to prove that her childhood friend did not commit murder. The stubborn lawyer prosecuting the case, Gabriel St. Clair, is an authentic Southern gentleman who makes the mistake of underestimating Meg, both her tenacity and her charm. Despite their many differences, sparks begin to fly. But when Meg discovers the truth, will Gabe be able to protect her from those who can't afford to have justice prevail?
Website: http://www.lyncote.com
Love Unchosen: A Novel
By Tracee Garner
ISBN-10: 1434320715
The Watts sisters have spent most of the lives focused on their careers-until big sister Geena launches her own design company, Watts Your Style. Not only does she find success, but she finds true love with her client Dr. Justin Webster, a recovering alcoholic. After getting married and giving birth to her son, Geena looks to her sisters to help run her company and hopes in the process they, too, will find true love.
At her older sibling's request, middle sister Vashton returns to Virginia from North Carolina where she has run to escape the demons of her past and finds herself falling head over heels for Romeyo Payton, her ex-best friend's brother-in-law who is raising his nephew.
At her sisters' urging, baby girl, Ellie, relocates her virtual job as a professional organizer to help out as well. When rude client Husten Montgomery comes in with his bratty daughter, Ellie is determined to ignore her attraction and stay as far away as possible from the handsome man to avoid reminders of the loss of her own daughter. Despite their close bond and their drive, each sister comes to realize true love is the greatest gift of all.
Website: http://www.teegarner.com
By Koko Brown
Ellora's Cave
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?
Unfortunately, this isn't the case for recently married Chloe Walker, who believes she's left behind the biggest mistake she's ever made in her life in Sin City, her husband Tristan. Who although a walking Adonis is nuttier than her grandma Violet's fruitcake because he thinks he's a flesh and blood vampire!
However, after returning home, Chloe discovers that Tristan might not have been the loony tune she first assumed him to be. But while she must come to terms with the strange new changes in her life, she must also fend off an irresistible husband, who despite her weight insecurities is hell bent on winning her back.
But, happily ever after isn't so easy for the two when Chloe learns that Tristan hasn't exactly played the game of love & war fairly
Website: http://cocobuttr72.googlepages.com/
Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope
By Jenna Bush, photos by Mia Baxter
ISBN 0061379085
Ana's life is a collection of bits and pieces of her past. Infected with HIV at birth, she's unaware of many details of her early childhood and barely remembers her mother. Living with her strict grandmother, she learns how to keep secrets - secrets about her infection and about the abuse she endures at home. But after Ana falls in love and becomes pregnant at seventeen, she begins a journey of hope - a journey of protecting herself and others. She is living with HIV, not dying from it.
Jenna Bush tells of Ana's struggle to break free from the cycle of abuse, silence, and illness with passion and eloquence. But this is not just Ana's story. It is also the story of many children around the world who are marginalised, neglected and mistreated.
The Frugal Editor: Put your best book forward to avoid humiliation and ensure success
(How to Do It Frugally)
by Howard-Johnson Carolyn (Author)
Red Engine Press
ISBN-10: 0978515870
A nitty-gritty how-to book about editing. Howard-Johnson gives writers the information and tips they need to get their work ready for submission. It's practical and detailed.
About the Author
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the award-winning author of the Frugal Book Promoter: How to do what your publisher won't, This is the Place, Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered and Tracings. She is co-editor of The Complete Writer's Journal. She was a publicist for a New York agency and an editorial assistant for Good Housekeeping magazine. She currently is an instructor for UCLA's writers' program.
My Life, Unscripted
By Tricia Garner
Thomas Nelson
ISBN-10: 1400310520
Using the metaphor of screenwriting, My Life, Unscripted explores relationships in every teenage girl's life-with herself, her friends and enemies, her parents, guys, and with God.Real-life scripts, screenwriting terms, and timely topics, make this an interesting read for teen girls as they delve into their own inner struggles and outward relationships. They'll also learn the importance of "scripting" their own responses BEFORE challenging life-situations arise, so they are able to think about, pray about, and consider how to face these situations before the scene begins. By contrasting real-life with TV or movies, teens discover they don't have to get caught up in the drama.
Face Time
by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Publisher: Harlequin
ISBN-10: 0373881436
ISBN-13: 978-0373881437
It's the scoop of a journalist's dreams!
New evidence in an old murder case could set a convicted woman free. Who better to crack the story than Boston's own version of Brenda Starr? Unfortunately, the prime source won't talk, the attorney general is trying to block the investigation, and the more Charlotte snoops around, the more people turn up dead!
An extended visit from her persnickety mother isn't helping. And Josh, the incredibly sexy new love of her life, may be the picture of perfection, but that includes a close-up of a prickly preteen who's not keen on sharing her daddy with Charlotte.
What's a star reporter to do? If anyone can pull it together it's Charlotte, but she'd better hurry, because someone wants her nose out of their news- for good.
Arms of a Stranger
by Giselle Carmichael
ISBN: 978-1-60043-020-6
Keithen Knight has gotten caught up in the cycle of making money and keeping track of it that he has lost sight of the important things in life.
Small Town Girl
Simone Ladner has been living an unfulfilled life in the fast paced city that never sleeps and has lost her way.
Brought together by the devastating hurricane that tore across the Gulf Coast region, these two people will unite in the rebuilding effort, and in the process discover the meaning of life, love, and happiness in the Arms of a Stranger.
Fire And Desire
by Monique Lamont

Publisher: Parker Publishing
ISBN-10: 1600430155
ISBN-13: 978-1600430152
What do you do when you find yourself caught in the revenge you have set for someone else?
Trevor Lewis a computer business owner has the contract of a lifetime at his door with the governor's old firm and flames of revenge in his heart he just cannot shake loose. Five years ago, a man stole something precious from Trevor. Finally, opportunity knocks giving Trevor a chance to settle the score with his old college nemesis, through the other man's fiancé. Tiffany Hatcher is a highly sought after party coordinator and the daughter of the governor. When she plans a secret bachelorette party in Las Vegas, too include a stripper name The Fireman. Things go from hot to scorching fast.
Tiffany is appalled at her own behavior when she awakens to find herself hung over, in a strange bed and married to the dancer from the night before--Trevor Lewis. Life can't get more complicated for Tiffany as she attempts to get a divorce, manage her father's career and run her own company. To make matters worse, every time her so-called husband shows up, it becomes harder for her to resist the passionate desire she feels for him. She soon finds she can't hang on much longer, something has got to give.
Trevor, her elusive and mysterious husband is determined it will not be him. As he pushes Tiffany toward accepting his love, her own sensuality and learning to live life outside of her father's shadow, he discovers that she is not the only one caught in a tangled web of emotions. But can Trevor decide to walk away from his revenge in hopes of having a future with the woman he loves.
Fall in love.
By Monica Frazier Anderson

TyMAC Books
ISBN-10: 097863781X
Deep in the heart of Jefferson, Texas lies the secret to the mysterious nightmares tormenting James Adams, a handsome, successful eye doctor. As the eldest of nine children, he has been the head of the family since the brutal murder of his womanizing father during his senior year of high school. He thought he put that day and his difficult childhood behind him when he left his hometown. Now, his siblings are grown and everyone is dysfunctional except James--he thinks--until chance reunites him with his sexy, high school sweetheart, Tracy. Along with Tracy, comes a host of problems. A scorned woman starts rumors about his sexuality because she doesn't believe he's really celibate. His mother begins dating a man he doesn't approve of and one of his brothers is arrested on serious charges. While James struggles to balance the demands of his family, work, and Tracy, the past comes knocking--threatening his future. Encouraged by his best friend, certified playa and cosmetics consultant, Ren Kinney, James steps into a risky mental maze of love and lies to discover what really happened the day his daddy died.
Website: http://www.drmoeanderson.com/bookaccused.htm
About the Author
Monica Frazier Anderson is a motivational speaker, humorist, and Doctor of Dental Surgery. She is the author of four books, including Essence Magazine bestseller, "When A Sistah's FED UP." She lives in Texas.
Finding Ms. Right
by: Lori Soard
Publisher: Amber Quill Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-070-1
(Electronic) ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-979-7 (Paperback)
Jenna McBay's bookstore is in financial difficulties. If she loses it, she also loses her parents' legacy and the opportunity to help her sisters through college. She needs help, and fast!
When Jenna's aunt dies and leaves her an ancient trunk of books, however, one title-How to Wed a Man of Means-seems to fit her situation perfectly.
Now, if she can only turn the head of handsome, ex-football hero Slade Walker, her situation might improve. But will the man of her dreams become romantically interested in her and think her the perfect stepmother for his infant daughter, or will the crazy advice from the old book keep Jenna and Slade from finding true and everlasting love?
Visit Lori: http://www.lorisoard.com/
When I'm With You
by LaConnie Taylor-Jones
Genesis Press
ISBN-10: 1585712507
A story about the damage caused when someone is in an abusive relationship, and what happens when the person suffering the abuse is too scared to tell their loved ones what's going on. It also showcases the difficulties one faces when learning to trust after having suffered the shame, embarrassment, and betrayal during the relationship, and the importance of being able to forgive and forget while moving forward with your life.
Website: http://www.laconnietaylorjones.com
Courtney's Collage
By Sherille Fisher & Barbara Joe-Williams
Amani Publishing
ISBN 097889376X
Courtney's a college student who finds herself pregnant by her sister's boyfriend. She's determined to rebuild her life and relationship with her youngest sibling, Majesta. That is until baby sister does the unthinkable.
Majesta has always been jealous of Courtney. Will she be able to forgive her older sister, or will she seek revenge?
Kimberly, the oldest sibling, is considered the peacemaker. Can she bring her feuding sisters back together again?
Jessica is struggling with her weight and maintaining her faltering marriage. What happens when she changes her body and her outlook on living?
Join Courtney on her journey as she travels through a collage of life-altering episodes that will leave you suspended in time. Filled with passion and emotions, this is a story of a woman who found the courage to love again.
About the Authors
Sherille Fisher has a short story published in the anthology titled, How I Met My Sweetheart. This is her first full length novel.
Barbara Joe-Williams has released three previous novels titled, Falling for Lies, Dancing with Temptation, and Forgive Us This Day. She's currently working on another novel.
Website: http://www.amanipublishing.net/
Cimmerian City
Rae Lindley
Publisher: Lavender Isis Press
ISBN-10: 0979367476
ISBN-13: 978-0979367472
Raven Blackheart is a Crow Nation/Egyptian college student awakening in a future where corporations rule the world and nobody is quite who they seem.
This futuristic thriller depicts a world where pharmaceuticals carry a veil of ghastly side effects and a third world war is brewing between two races
Website address: http://www.raelori.com
Not Your Average Life: The First of a Trilogy
by Dex
Just Dex Publishing
ISBN 0977820203
Meet Johnny Taylor, A southern pioneer from the early 1900's who believes women should stay bare-foot and pregnant, obey their husbands and avoid the work place. But also an abusive, father of nine, and a two time family loser with a dark dreadful skeleton past, who will kill to keep his secret from coming to the light.
Website: http://justdexpublishing.net/
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SORMAG has different packages to fit every authors budget.
Check out our rates and let us introduce you to our readers.
Get your spot today - http://sormag.com/AUTHOR.html
Watercolored Pearls

By Stacy Hawkins Adams
ISBN-10: 0800731689
ISBN-13: 978-0800731687
Serena, Erika, Tawana: Three women at different places in life lurk at the same crossroads -looking to God and each other for answers on how to find beauty in themselves and in their journeys. A page-turning story of how God can use life's shameful and less-than-perfect circumstances to create something beautiful.
Blessed Assurance

by Lyn Cote
Avon Inspire
ISBN-10: 0061349941
In Whispers of Love, Civil War widow Jessie Wagstaff must fend for herself and her son. When a stranger, Lee Smith, befriends Jessie's son, even though she recognizes nine-year-old Linc's need for a father figure, she's reluctant to let a new man into their life. When the Great Chicago Fire blazes, every heart is pushed to its limits.
In Lost In His Love, Jessie's son Linc, a social activist and reporter, charms his way through the upper class of San Francisco to build much-needed support for his fight against child labor. His main target is Cecilia Jackson, a beautiful heiress who doesn't recognize the crucial part she plays in this dangerous exploitation. As the secrets of her family's dark past are exposed, Cecilia must revive her own wounded spirit and find the strength to lean on the never-failing love of Christ. But when the 1906 earthquake hits, everyone's faith will be put to the test.
In Echoes of Mercy, Meg Wagstaff challenges the racial barriers of 1920s New Orleans in order to prove that her childhood friend did not commit murder. The stubborn lawyer prosecuting the case, Gabriel St. Clair, is an authentic Southern gentleman who makes the mistake of underestimating Meg, both her tenacity and her charm. Despite their many differences, sparks begin to fly. But when Meg discovers the truth, will Gabe be able to protect her from those who can't afford to have justice prevail?
Website: http://www.lyncote.com
Love Unchosen: A Novel

By Tracee Garner
ISBN-10: 1434320715
The Watts sisters have spent most of the lives focused on their careers-until big sister Geena launches her own design company, Watts Your Style. Not only does she find success, but she finds true love with her client Dr. Justin Webster, a recovering alcoholic. After getting married and giving birth to her son, Geena looks to her sisters to help run her company and hopes in the process they, too, will find true love.
At her older sibling's request, middle sister Vashton returns to Virginia from North Carolina where she has run to escape the demons of her past and finds herself falling head over heels for Romeyo Payton, her ex-best friend's brother-in-law who is raising his nephew.
At her sisters' urging, baby girl, Ellie, relocates her virtual job as a professional organizer to help out as well. When rude client Husten Montgomery comes in with his bratty daughter, Ellie is determined to ignore her attraction and stay as far away as possible from the handsome man to avoid reminders of the loss of her own daughter. Despite their close bond and their drive, each sister comes to realize true love is the greatest gift of all.
Website: http://www.teegarner.com

By Koko Brown
Ellora's Cave
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?
Unfortunately, this isn't the case for recently married Chloe Walker, who believes she's left behind the biggest mistake she's ever made in her life in Sin City, her husband Tristan. Who although a walking Adonis is nuttier than her grandma Violet's fruitcake because he thinks he's a flesh and blood vampire!
However, after returning home, Chloe discovers that Tristan might not have been the loony tune she first assumed him to be. But while she must come to terms with the strange new changes in her life, she must also fend off an irresistible husband, who despite her weight insecurities is hell bent on winning her back.
But, happily ever after isn't so easy for the two when Chloe learns that Tristan hasn't exactly played the game of love & war fairly
Website: http://cocobuttr72.googlepages.com/
Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope

By Jenna Bush, photos by Mia Baxter
ISBN 0061379085
Ana's life is a collection of bits and pieces of her past. Infected with HIV at birth, she's unaware of many details of her early childhood and barely remembers her mother. Living with her strict grandmother, she learns how to keep secrets - secrets about her infection and about the abuse she endures at home. But after Ana falls in love and becomes pregnant at seventeen, she begins a journey of hope - a journey of protecting herself and others. She is living with HIV, not dying from it.
Jenna Bush tells of Ana's struggle to break free from the cycle of abuse, silence, and illness with passion and eloquence. But this is not just Ana's story. It is also the story of many children around the world who are marginalised, neglected and mistreated.
The Frugal Editor: Put your best book forward to avoid humiliation and ensure success

(How to Do It Frugally)
by Howard-Johnson Carolyn (Author)
Red Engine Press
ISBN-10: 0978515870
A nitty-gritty how-to book about editing. Howard-Johnson gives writers the information and tips they need to get their work ready for submission. It's practical and detailed.
About the Author
Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the award-winning author of the Frugal Book Promoter: How to do what your publisher won't, This is the Place, Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered and Tracings. She is co-editor of The Complete Writer's Journal. She was a publicist for a New York agency and an editorial assistant for Good Housekeeping magazine. She currently is an instructor for UCLA's writers' program.
My Life, Unscripted

By Tricia Garner
Thomas Nelson
ISBN-10: 1400310520
Using the metaphor of screenwriting, My Life, Unscripted explores relationships in every teenage girl's life-with herself, her friends and enemies, her parents, guys, and with God.Real-life scripts, screenwriting terms, and timely topics, make this an interesting read for teen girls as they delve into their own inner struggles and outward relationships. They'll also learn the importance of "scripting" their own responses BEFORE challenging life-situations arise, so they are able to think about, pray about, and consider how to face these situations before the scene begins. By contrasting real-life with TV or movies, teens discover they don't have to get caught up in the drama.
Face Time

by Hank Phillippi Ryan
Publisher: Harlequin
ISBN-10: 0373881436
ISBN-13: 978-0373881437
It's the scoop of a journalist's dreams!
New evidence in an old murder case could set a convicted woman free. Who better to crack the story than Boston's own version of Brenda Starr? Unfortunately, the prime source won't talk, the attorney general is trying to block the investigation, and the more Charlotte snoops around, the more people turn up dead!
An extended visit from her persnickety mother isn't helping. And Josh, the incredibly sexy new love of her life, may be the picture of perfection, but that includes a close-up of a prickly preteen who's not keen on sharing her daddy with Charlotte.
What's a star reporter to do? If anyone can pull it together it's Charlotte, but she'd better hurry, because someone wants her nose out of their news- for good.
Arms of a Stranger

by Giselle Carmichael
ISBN: 978-1-60043-020-6
Keithen Knight has gotten caught up in the cycle of making money and keeping track of it that he has lost sight of the important things in life.
Small Town Girl
Simone Ladner has been living an unfulfilled life in the fast paced city that never sleeps and has lost her way.
Brought together by the devastating hurricane that tore across the Gulf Coast region, these two people will unite in the rebuilding effort, and in the process discover the meaning of life, love, and happiness in the Arms of a Stranger.
Fire And Desire
by Monique Lamont

Publisher: Parker Publishing
ISBN-10: 1600430155
ISBN-13: 978-1600430152
What do you do when you find yourself caught in the revenge you have set for someone else?
Trevor Lewis a computer business owner has the contract of a lifetime at his door with the governor's old firm and flames of revenge in his heart he just cannot shake loose. Five years ago, a man stole something precious from Trevor. Finally, opportunity knocks giving Trevor a chance to settle the score with his old college nemesis, through the other man's fiancé. Tiffany Hatcher is a highly sought after party coordinator and the daughter of the governor. When she plans a secret bachelorette party in Las Vegas, too include a stripper name The Fireman. Things go from hot to scorching fast.
Tiffany is appalled at her own behavior when she awakens to find herself hung over, in a strange bed and married to the dancer from the night before--Trevor Lewis. Life can't get more complicated for Tiffany as she attempts to get a divorce, manage her father's career and run her own company. To make matters worse, every time her so-called husband shows up, it becomes harder for her to resist the passionate desire she feels for him. She soon finds she can't hang on much longer, something has got to give.
Trevor, her elusive and mysterious husband is determined it will not be him. As he pushes Tiffany toward accepting his love, her own sensuality and learning to live life outside of her father's shadow, he discovers that she is not the only one caught in a tangled web of emotions. But can Trevor decide to walk away from his revenge in hopes of having a future with the woman he loves.
Fall in love.
By Monica Frazier Anderson

TyMAC Books
ISBN-10: 097863781X
Deep in the heart of Jefferson, Texas lies the secret to the mysterious nightmares tormenting James Adams, a handsome, successful eye doctor. As the eldest of nine children, he has been the head of the family since the brutal murder of his womanizing father during his senior year of high school. He thought he put that day and his difficult childhood behind him when he left his hometown. Now, his siblings are grown and everyone is dysfunctional except James--he thinks--until chance reunites him with his sexy, high school sweetheart, Tracy. Along with Tracy, comes a host of problems. A scorned woman starts rumors about his sexuality because she doesn't believe he's really celibate. His mother begins dating a man he doesn't approve of and one of his brothers is arrested on serious charges. While James struggles to balance the demands of his family, work, and Tracy, the past comes knocking--threatening his future. Encouraged by his best friend, certified playa and cosmetics consultant, Ren Kinney, James steps into a risky mental maze of love and lies to discover what really happened the day his daddy died.
Website: http://www.drmoeanderson.com/bookaccused.htm
About the Author
Monica Frazier Anderson is a motivational speaker, humorist, and Doctor of Dental Surgery. She is the author of four books, including Essence Magazine bestseller, "When A Sistah's FED UP." She lives in Texas.
Finding Ms. Right

by: Lori Soard
Publisher: Amber Quill Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-070-1
(Electronic) ISBN-13: 978-1-60272-979-7 (Paperback)
Jenna McBay's bookstore is in financial difficulties. If she loses it, she also loses her parents' legacy and the opportunity to help her sisters through college. She needs help, and fast!
When Jenna's aunt dies and leaves her an ancient trunk of books, however, one title-How to Wed a Man of Means-seems to fit her situation perfectly.
Now, if she can only turn the head of handsome, ex-football hero Slade Walker, her situation might improve. But will the man of her dreams become romantically interested in her and think her the perfect stepmother for his infant daughter, or will the crazy advice from the old book keep Jenna and Slade from finding true and everlasting love?
Visit Lori: http://www.lorisoard.com/
When I'm With You

by LaConnie Taylor-Jones
Genesis Press
ISBN-10: 1585712507
A story about the damage caused when someone is in an abusive relationship, and what happens when the person suffering the abuse is too scared to tell their loved ones what's going on. It also showcases the difficulties one faces when learning to trust after having suffered the shame, embarrassment, and betrayal during the relationship, and the importance of being able to forgive and forget while moving forward with your life.
Website: http://www.laconnietaylorjones.com
Courtney's Collage

By Sherille Fisher & Barbara Joe-Williams
Amani Publishing
ISBN 097889376X
Courtney's a college student who finds herself pregnant by her sister's boyfriend. She's determined to rebuild her life and relationship with her youngest sibling, Majesta. That is until baby sister does the unthinkable.
Majesta has always been jealous of Courtney. Will she be able to forgive her older sister, or will she seek revenge?
Kimberly, the oldest sibling, is considered the peacemaker. Can she bring her feuding sisters back together again?
Jessica is struggling with her weight and maintaining her faltering marriage. What happens when she changes her body and her outlook on living?
Join Courtney on her journey as she travels through a collage of life-altering episodes that will leave you suspended in time. Filled with passion and emotions, this is a story of a woman who found the courage to love again.
About the Authors
Sherille Fisher has a short story published in the anthology titled, How I Met My Sweetheart. This is her first full length novel.
Barbara Joe-Williams has released three previous novels titled, Falling for Lies, Dancing with Temptation, and Forgive Us This Day. She's currently working on another novel.
Website: http://www.amanipublishing.net/
Cimmerian City

Rae Lindley
Publisher: Lavender Isis Press
ISBN-10: 0979367476
ISBN-13: 978-0979367472
Raven Blackheart is a Crow Nation/Egyptian college student awakening in a future where corporations rule the world and nobody is quite who they seem.
This futuristic thriller depicts a world where pharmaceuticals carry a veil of ghastly side effects and a third world war is brewing between two races
Website address: http://www.raelori.com
Not Your Average Life: The First of a Trilogy

by Dex
Just Dex Publishing
ISBN 0977820203
Meet Johnny Taylor, A southern pioneer from the early 1900's who believes women should stay bare-foot and pregnant, obey their husbands and avoid the work place. But also an abusive, father of nine, and a two time family loser with a dark dreadful skeleton past, who will kill to keep his secret from coming to the light.
Website: http://justdexpublishing.net/
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Amy Grant is the best-selling Christian music artist of all time and the first to garner the number one spot on Billboard’s chart. Since beginning her career at age 17, she has earned six Grammy Awards and twenty-five Dove Awards, and last year she received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Grant’s numerous television appearances include Oprah; Good Morning, America ; and Late Night with David Letterman. In 2007 she’ll tour nationwide, performing with local symphonies in Atlanta , Minneapolis , Kansas City, and elsewhere.
Grammy Award–winning artist Amy Grant has lived in the spotlight since bursting onto the Christian music scene as a teenager thirty years ago. In that time her work, marriage, and spiritual life have been subject to varying degrees of adulation and criticism.
Grammy Award–winning artist Amy Grant has lived in the spotlight since bursting onto the Christian music scene as a teenager thirty years ago. In that time her work, marriage, and spiritual life have been subject to varying degrees of adulation and criticism.

Now, in her first autobiographical book, Grant bares her heart and soul, giving readers an intimate glimpse into her everyday life and the lessons she’s learning along the way. From lighthearted reminiscences of her Tennessee childhood to painfully honest reflections on the journey of faith, her vivid writing draws readers into her world while simultaneously creating space for them to rethink their own perspectives on life.
With honesty and depth, Grant offers poignant and often startling insights on motherhood, marriage, friendship, faith, loss, forgiveness, and redemption. Never-before-shared stories about her husband, country music star Vince Gill, provide a look into her life as a celebrity, while intimate portraits of her mother and musings on the past reveal the various pieces of a life blessed with jagged edges as well as vivid colors. Readers will find their preconceived notions of this music icon stripped away as they settle in for a warmly satisfying conversation with a gracious and wise friend.
Amy has donated three copies of her book.
Answer the following questions for a chance to win.
Who is Amy Husband?
How many Dove Awards has she won?
Where did Amy grow up?
Who is Amy Husband?
How many Dove Awards has she won?
Where did Amy grow up?
leave a Amy Grant song
Monday, October 8, 2007

Tracee Lydia Garner is a national best-selling author. Family Affairs was not the first story she wrote but it was the first successfully completed and the one she says started it all. FAMILY AFFAIRS appears in the All That & Then Some anthology with BET/Sepia Books. Family Affairs won the grand-prize award, receiving an advance, a book contract, a trip to New York to accept her award and most importantly having her work published by BET Books.
Her fourth release, Love Unchosen, is three books in one about the Watt women: three, entrepreneurial sisters on the brink of love.
Tracee maintains that she is a creative writer as well as a journalist that enjoys writing "how to" articles, and articles of personal experience, both tragic and inspirational on the disability, African-American and woman experience, not necessarily in that order.
Tracee maintains that as her writing career takes center stage, she will always be disabled, and thus she must and always will be committed to the advancement and removal of barriers for persons with disabilities.
Love Unchosen: A Novel

By Tracee Garner
ISBN-10: 1434320711
The Watts sisters have spent most of the lives focused on their careers-until big sister Geena launches her own design company, Watts Your Style. Not only does she find success, but she finds true love with her client Dr. Justin Webster, a recovering alcoholic. After getting married and giving birth to her son, Geena looks to her sisters to help run her company and hopes in the process they, too, will find true love.
At her older sibling's request, middle sister Vashton returns to Virginia from North Carolina where she has run to escape the demons of her past and finds herself falling head over heels for Romeyo Payton, her ex-best friend's brother-in-law who is raising his nephew.
At her sisters' urging, baby girl, Ellie, relocates her virtual job as a professional organizer to help out as well. When rude client Husten Montgomery comes in with his bratty daughter, Ellie is determined to ignore her attraction and stay as far away as possible from the handsome man to avoid reminders of the loss of her own daughter.
Despite their close bond and their drive, each sister comes to realize true love is the greatest gift of all.
Website: http://www.teegarner.com/
What would you like your readers to take away from your book?
The same things I hope all my projects deliver, a simple sense of hope about love, life and the future. Preliminary reviews have said that the book moves fast and I did this because I also wanted an underlying tone of that when it’s your time, it’s your time. I try to hold on to this for myself. That if it’s supposed to happen, it’s a whirlwind. God doesn’t waste time, though yes, to us it seems like it takes forever.
Writing this book, what did you learn about yourself and God?
If I just keep praying the words will come. I really had such a hard time with this book. I admit to resisting and I’m cool with saying it because no one ever talks about it and I’m like why not. Why doesn’t anyone talk about the decision to omit love scenes and do what God said do? I wonder what other ways could I show people consummate a relationship and not show love scenes? The bottom line, tell a good story, a love scene is one sometimes two and three pages and that’s just exhausting. LOL J Anywho, I got rid of them and I did have them in at one point, but I just felt convicted and took them out again. I still worry that people won’t like it because it doesn’t have love scenes and I still have had a few church people telling me oh it’s all right, girl, that’s what people like and that’s not a big deal but people fornicating in one of my books, yes I said it, is a big deal to me! I’m not judging anyone. What people do is their business, I do miss my love scenes, I miss the love scenes in books I read, but I’ll get over it. I did what was right for me. I read back over Love Unchosen and think this is still good even without the love scene, in some ways I’m amazed, in other ways it’s like God says, “My child, please! You exhaust Me, I told you!”
Come along with Tracee as she visit other stops on her tour. Each site will feature more of her interview.
Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tricia Goyer has published over 300 articles for national publications such as Today's Christian Woman, Guideposts for Kids, and Focus on the Family, and is the co-author of Meal Time Moments (Focus on the Family). She has led numerous Bible Studies, and her study notes appear in the Women of Faith Study Bible (Zondervan).
She has written seven novels for Moody Publishing: From Dust and Ashes (2003), Night Song (2004), Dawn of a Thousand Nights (2005), Arms of Deliverance (2006), A Valley of Betrayal (2007), A Shadow of Treason (Fall 2007), and A Whisper of Freedom (Spring 2008).
Tricia is also the author of Life Interrupted: The Scoop on Being a Young Mom (Zondervan, 2004), 10 Minutes to Showtime (Thomas Nelson, 2004), Generation NeXt Parenting (Multnomah, 2006), Generation NeXt Marriage (Multnomah, 2008), and 3:16—the teen version of a book by Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson, March 2008).
Life Interrupted was a 2005 Gold Medallion finalist in the Youth Category. Night Song was awarded the American Christian Fiction Writer's 2005 Book of the Year award for Best Long Historical Romance. Dawn of a Thousand Nights won the same award in 2006. In 2003, Tricia was named as the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference "Writer of the Year".
My Life, Unscripted

Using the metaphor of screenwriting, My Life, Unscripted explores relationships in every teenage girl's life-with herself, her friends and enemies, her parents, guys, and with God.
Real-life scripts, screenwriting terms, and timely topics, make this an interesting read for teen girls as they delve into their own inner struggles and outward relationships. They'll also learn the importance of "scripting" their own responses BEFORE challenging life-situations arise, so they are able to think about, pray about, and consider how to face these situations before the scene begins. By contrasting real-life with TV or movies, teens discover they don't have to get caught up in the drama.
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